This post is for Greg, who noted I post a lot of New York Times articles. There is, of course, nothing inherently wrong with the Times, but I want to avoid getting in a situation like that in Sartre's play Dirty Hands, which takes place in World War II Yugoslavia.

Ivan: I don't remember any more. I sometimes think I've always been in the party. [A pause]. You put out the paper, dont' you?
Hugo: Myself and some others.
Ivan: I often get hold of it, but I seldom read it. It's not your fault of course, but your news is always a week behind the BBC or the Soviet radio.
Hugo: Where do you expect us to get the news? We listen to the radio just like you.

Anyway, yesterday's Philadelphia Inquirer had an article about Governor McGreevey (who is currently not my favorite person) is supporting a bill that designates the highbush blueberry the official state fruit.

While this may seem like a simple effort to impose on the children of Veterans Memorial Elementary School the benefits that come with an active involvement in politics, this bill ignores the substantial legacy of the cranberry in New Jersey agriculture.

Yes, I am from Burlington County. Burlington County is the largest county in New Jersey (Ocean County is a paltry second; as a result, it is not surprising that a) they have an inferior website, and b) they grow blueberries there; real counties grow cranberries) and includes a substantial part of the Pine Barrens.