Last week, I visited both Buffalo and Toronto. Since Buffalo looks like Pittsburgh and [Toronto looks like New York] ( "Photo taken somewhere along Yonge St. [JPG]"), I decided to showcase Niagara Falls (which looks like nothing except Victoria or Iguazu).

Despite the fact that my camera takes video in AVI format, I have transcoded it to Ogg, to take advantage of HTML 5's <video> tag.

If you using Firefox 3.5, a development version of Google Chrome, or a preview build of Opera with video enabled (which will be difficult to find), you should be able to see it. Since Apple opposes using Ogg in <video>, it will not work in Safari. <video> is not even supported in Internet Explorer.

Other than browser chauvinism, why do it? Besides the fact that almost 20% of this website visitors in the last 30 days used Firefox 3.5 (5% lower than the number of people using Internet Explorer), I think open video is important. Adobe Flash is currently the defacto standard, but has serious performance and security issues. People distributing online video encoded in H.264 might have to start paying for the privilege in 2010. These are large concerns, and by using a web browser made by Apple or Microsoft, you are not helping.

Resources and More Reading: